
INTP - Magical Tech Tome

Unlocking hidden knowledge, blending logic and mystery into infinite discovery.


INTPs are intellectual, curious individuals who thrive on exploring abstract concepts and solving complex problems. They approach the world with logic and seek understanding through introspection and exploration. Growth comes from developing their emotional awareness and strengthening their social connections.

Elements in Order


Introverted Thinking (Ti) focuses on understanding ideas from an internal perspective, looking for logical consistency and clarity within itself.

Ti drives INTPs to focus on internal logic and objective analysis, helping them dissect ideas and theories. They rely on this function to build an intricate, coherent understanding of the world around them. As they develop Ti, INTPs become masters at identifying patterns and structures in complex problems.


Extraverted Intuition (Ne) sees the world in terms of possibilities and what could happen in the future, looking for patterns and opportunities outside the self.

Ne allows INTPs to explore a wide range of possibilities and new ideas, making them highly creative and innovative. They enjoy brainstorming and connecting seemingly unrelated concepts, which fuels their curiosity. Developing Ne helps INTPs see beyond the details and think more expansively about the future.


Introverted Sensation (Si) is about reflecting on past experiences to understand the present, focusing on memories and how they shape current perceptions.

Si helps INTPs recall details from their past experiences, providing a sense of grounding in the present. Though not their primary function, developing Si allows them to better retain information and maintain consistency in their work. This function helps them organize their thoughts and create a more structured approach to their ideas.


Extraverted Feeling (Fe) focuses on how things affect others and what is socially accepted, always considering others' values and opinions.

Fe helps INTPs tune into the emotions of others and understand social dynamics, though it is their least developed function. As they grow, INTPs learn to connect more deeply with people and navigate social situations with empathy and consideration. Developing Fe helps them balance their analytical approach with a greater sense of emotional awareness.