Dominance - Drum
Like a drumbeat, leading with power and setting the pace.
Dominance emotion is a surge of energy focused on overcoming opposition, whether by asserting control or resisting interference. It is described in various ways, from aggressiveness and determination to courage and power, reflecting both positive and negative views. At its core, dominance involves an increase in the self, leading to frustration when blocked and satisfaction when successfully expressed.
Further Description
Dominance emotion is characterized by an internal surge of energy aimed at overcoming opposition, whether through active assertion or passive resistance. It has been described by various terms such as aggressiveness, determination, courage, and power, reflecting both positive and negative perspectives. The perception of dominance depends on context—some view it as admirable strength, while others see it as an undesirable force of control. Regardless of interpretation, the core experience of dominance is an increase in the self, driving individuals to assert their will and remove obstacles. This emotion is inherently linked to both frustration when blocked and satisfaction when successfully expressed.
Alternative Naming
Ego-emotion, aggressiveness, fury, rage, self-assertion, initiative, will, determination, high spirit, self-seeking, courage, nerve, boldness, dare-deviltry, purposiveness, persistency, unconquerableness, stick-to-itiveness, go-getiveness, force of character, force, power, pioneer spirit, strength of character, strength, stubbornness, bulldog character, doggedness, fighting instinct, instinct of self-preservation, superiority complex, inferiority feeling (as described by Alfred Adler), and ego-centricity.