7 - Lava
Harbinger of molten destiny, forging worlds anew.
The passion of gluttony in E7 is driven by an insatiable need for constant stimulation and excitement, as they avoid facing any discomfort or emptiness by indulging in superficial pleasures. Their fixation revolves around distraction and postponement, preventing them from engaging with deeper emotional pain or frustration. This leads to a compulsive tendency to move from one source of gratification to the next, using cleverness and seduction to charm others, while avoiding true emotional connection or the weight of long-term commitments.
Ennea-type 7 individuals constantly seek new experiences, driven by a desire to move from what feels insufficient to something more promising. Despite this insatiability, they often appear satisfied, masking frustration with enthusiastic exploration that keeps dissatisfaction at bay. Their gluttony extends beyond food to a craving for extraordinary and remarkable experiences, often manifesting as a fascination with the magical, esoteric, or culturally remote. This interest in the distant or unconventional aligns with a tendency to idealize utopian, futuristic, or progressive ideas over existing cultural norms. Their attraction to the unfamiliar reflects a deeper displacement of values, with their focus consistently shifting from the immediate to the potential.
Type 7 personalities prioritize pleasure and avoid suffering, leading to a hedonistic and permissive outlook both toward themselves and others. This permissiveness can evolve into complicity, as they may indulge or support others indulgences. Alongside self-indulgence is a sense of entitlement to gratification, often accompanied by an optimistic attitude that minimizes pain and frustration. Their worldview often supports a cosmic okayness, where life is free from guilt, obligations, or effort, emphasizing enjoyment above all. This carefree perspective not only reinforces their own contentment but also influences how they perceive and interact with the world around them.
Rebelliousness underpins the self-indulgence of type 7 individuals, expressed through a keen awareness of societal conventions and a humorous defiance of them. Their rebellion is intellectual rather than overtly confrontational, making them ideologists rather than active revolutionaries. While they often disregard authority, their approach is diplomatic rather than oppositional, rooted in an early belief that authority lacks inherent goodness. They adopt an egalitarian perspective, treating others as equals and avoiding hierarchical relationships. This subtle rebellion allows them to maintain their permissiveness, hedonism, and lack of guilt without overtly challenging societal norms.
Type 7 individuals exhibit a lack of discipline and commitment, preferring immediate gratification over long-term goals. Their playful, non-committed attitude reflects their hedonistic tendencies and resistance to delaying pleasure. This lack of discipline stems from a deeper perception that postponing pleasure equates to a lack of love or care. Their instability and dilettantish tendencies reveal an aversion to structured responsibilities, further emphasizing their focus on enjoyment and avoidance of discomfort. This trait complements their gluttonous pursuit of satisfaction and their broader reluctance to engage with life harsher realities.
A significant aspect of type 7 personality is their orientation toward fantasy and future possibilities, which serves as an escape from life harsh realities. They find comfort in planning and imagining an idealized, non-frustrating world, often living more in their aspirations than in present reality. Their futuristic outlook allows them to identify with potential achievements and ideals, creating a sense of fulfillment through imagination rather than tangible progress. This reliance on fantasy reflects their gluttonous desire for an overly sweet and unchallenging existence, reinforcing their tendency to avoid confronting life immediate challenges.