
LFEV - Avocado

Grounded creators, harmonizing passion with intellectual drive.


LFEV individuals are practical and structured, excelling at implementing well-thought-out plans while staying grounded in tangible realities. They are emotionally sensitive but may struggle with assertiveness or fully expressing their feelings. Their logical and balanced approach makes them dependable, though they can sometimes hesitate in taking bold action.

Elements in Order


1L is someone who holds firmly to their beliefs, prioritizing certainty and absolute truth over openness or flexibility. While their thinking can be inflexible, it is often grounded in honesty, intellectual depth, and a strong focus on logic and reasoning.


2F is practical, energetic, and hardworking, with a focus on cleanliness and order. They are confident in relationships and nurturing. They value physical touch and are known for their stamina and productivity, they thrive on activity and dislike idleness.


3E appears outwardly calm but feels deeply internally. It often struggles to articulate its emotions, leading to a preference for subtle gestures and understated displays of affection or care.


4V struggles to express its desires, often blending them with the needs and expectations of others. This type is loyal and avoids confrontation, preferring to align with others' values to maintain peace.